Earlier today I was on a mission. I was going to rid the CrazyMobile of the dog smell. Don't laugh... it was a noble cause indeedy. I thought to myself, "If I have to drive the boss around THIS week he's in for a huge surprise!" and boy is he ever.
I drug the crate pads out of the crates, put the extra crates back in the house (I'd had two extra in the back of the bus since I had Ghilly and Mac last week). Oh, and did I mention I have a new member of the Crazy Pack? Moon is now a permanent Crazy. She apparently decided that for herself, so now she's with me permanently. It's good though - she fits in well, and is appropriately submissive to Ginger.
Anyway, as I was saying I pulled out crate pads, tossed out any trash, and then drug the vacuum cleaner outside. I vacuumed the floors, and vacuumed out all of the crates. I usually do this on a reasonably regular basis (if you call 3x a year regular) and hadn't done it lately. I then sprayed all six crates out with apple cider vinegar. The vinegar acts as a cleaner, and also neutralizes odors. Oh yeah, I was armed and packin'! I was gonna wash that dog right out of my van (sung off key, of course).
What I didn't count on is the staggering vinegar smell every time I open the van door. I tried in vain to leave the van open to air out, but even with that when I get in there now the vinegar smell literally gags me. I'm not sure if the van still smells like dogs (I don't notice a dog smell) but it sure as heck smells like ACV. My guess? My guess would be that it smells like vinegar... and dogs.
I think I'm definitely losing here.
Hmm, wonder what Febreeze and ACV together would smell like?
This is the greatest series of craziness I have read in a long time! Can't wait for the next "installment"! LOL!
LOL!!!! Well, no one can say you're not trying. Now I have to clean my keyboard because I spit a little Dr. Pepper when I read your post. Maybe I'll disinfect with ACV?
Oh it gets better. Apparently yesterday Noodlehead rolled in chicken poo. Now the blanket on the bed smells like chicken poo. I woke up in the middle of the night like, "What is that SMELL?!?!". Geez, I just cannot win. To top it off I fed the dogs all raw eggs that I collected while feeding up at Julie's... and somebody has the egg farts and it's choking me out.
Hm, I didn't think about trying febreeze. Maybe I'll try that this week!
LOL....whenever I smell vinegar, I crave french fries (from those childhood days at the beach, eating fries with salt and vinegar from a little cardboard tray....). I definitely better stay out of your vehicle - that would be a diet-killer.
Go and get yourself a bag of charcoal briquettes and a foil roasting pan at the grocery. Just fill the pan with the charcoal and sit it in the van and it will absorb all of the odors in just a few days. I had to do that when we bought our place from my BIL, as my SIL had kept her dogs in crates in the laundry room with the door shut ALL THE TIME. They were little foo foo dogs that would mess in their crates, and that mixed with the humidity of the laundry room made for one smelly room! It gagged me to just walk in there, but after a few days of the charcoal you would never think a dog had ever stepped foot in there.
Charcoal, what a great idea!
the smelly van saga is hilarious. hilllarrrrriiiiooouuuusss. And the charcoal is brilliant!
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