Yes, indeedy, it is time for another Tell Me Thursday! If you would, please link back to my blog in your post, and don't forget to add the button too (code at the bottom). Come back here to link back to your post. For those interested in being entered in my lanyard/scarf drawing when we hit 20, I won't know who you are if you don't come link up!
Anyway, I can't believe we've hit week #7. Honestly I wasn't even sure we'd make it to week two, but you guys have all been rock stars. I'm running around like a crazy person this week, and I'll try to stop by everyone's blog but may or may not have time to comment. Today's questions:
1. What five things can't you live without?
2. How do you transport your dogs? This question suggested by several peeps, including Mara.
3. What role does obedience play in your training or running of your dog(s)?
4. At what point do you start putting commands on your dogs?
5. Do you talk to strangers in elevators? Question posted by Laura #1
1. What five things can't you live without?
Lip goo
Ankle socks
Good Coffee. Oh heck, any coffee as long as I get some.
My dogs
2. How do you transport your dogs?
I drive what I refer to as the CrazyMobile. It is a '95 Ford Aerostar with nothing but crates in the back. I drive it like I stole it. It has 240,000 miles on it, and usually it just rattles a little louder when I step on the gas. My friends think I drive Miss Daisy because I'm skeered, but mostly I'm just afraid I might leave my transmission on the highway somewhere if I go any faster. When I bought it (for $300) I threw the seats away and started packing crates in. I am badazz doggie soccer mom rebel without a cause. I haz sliding door without a handle cuz I pulled it off. You guys are in AWE of the CrazyMobile. Blazing speed of power. Rawr. I pwned a guy in a Mustang week before last.
I roxxors the minivan.
3. What role does obedience play in your training or running of your dog(s)?
Seriously? Not all that much. I mean, yeah, I expect them to by and large come when I call, lie down when I tell them to, and I expect them to flank the direction I tell them to go.
But really? For us it's SO much more fluid than that. If I'm dead wrong I also expect them to ignore me and do the right thing. If I lie them down and the situation changes and their intervention is needed I expect them to get up and fix things. But if I lie them down and tell them to stay there I expect them to stay there. You know, unless they need to fix something. I can't tell you how many times I've insisted my dogs do something to find out they were resisting because I was wrong. I guess I could say that obedience is important because when I insist they do what I'm insisting. However, I've also learned to trust at least Nick's judgement sometimes and if he's resisting often I will leave him be. He's usually right.
I'm always baffled at their amazing ability to understand this. The non border collies (Ginger and Zippy) don't get this grey area stuff. Or maybe they're just too ornery to care. But it always amazes me to see that stockdogs seem to just "get it".
Oh, and I totally expect them to do their stupid tricks on command. Most of my dogs know a few stupid tricks. I say few because *I* can only come up with a few before I'm over it.
4. At what point do you start putting commands on your dogs?
Um... maybe about two days before their first trial? I pretty much start using a "lie down" command when we start working, and a that'll do, but I don't actually start putting actual flank commands on for a while (though I may use them somewhat conversationally in the beginning). I eventually get around to it when I realize I'm about to walk to the post at a trial and my ragamuffin dogs don't have flank commands. I think this sort of ties into the natural dog thing. Linc is not as much of a natural dog, so he had flank commands pretty early. Not so much on the lie down. Oh wait, he still doesn't have much of a stop!
I didn't have a solid flank command in sight on Nick at his first trial. It was Novice-Novice, and yea though we sucked through the valley of the shadow of the gates, we won. I also walked a straight line... to the middle of nowhere near the panels. He took every flank command I didn't give him. But I digress.
Early on I like to let the dog work, and learn from the sheep. When everything else falls away I want the overall concept to be "go get the sheep and bring them to me". So we wear, and I'm quiet. Impossible to imagine, I know. Eventually though I *do* get around to putting flank commands on.
5. Do you talk to strangers in elevators?
Hello? Have you guys met me? I think the better question for me would be more like, "Laura Reloaded, when do you ever NOT talk? Have you ever NOT talked to a person anywhere that you've been?" Yes, I talk to people in elevators. I find that their discomfort makes a tiny little giggle blossom up inside of me. I am easily amused.
Here is your code:
And the linky thingie:
Okay - that CrazyMobile sounds pretty awesome! And I'm totally in awe of it :)
- Steffi
LOL! I don't know how much longer she'll fight the good fight though. It'll be a sad, sad day when she finally croaks it.
"sucked through the valley of the shadow of the gates" = so much awesome!!!
Managed to get through my post with only one gratuitous photo of Pearl. But wait till you see my ride. . .the CrazyMobile sounds nice and all, but it ain't fly like mine! :)
By the way, y'all, my original post screwed up the code for the button. I've fixed it but you guys may need to edit in your post. Sorry!
Ann, those dice are awesome!!
No cool pictures of a crazy mobile, but do have some video of my son's Border/Jack(taken by a friend) from the last trial with my Tell me Thursday. Would have video of my own dogs if I'd have time to process it:)
I'm baaaack! Yes, doing the TMT thing is so much more entertaining than cleaning out the van and putting crates back in, packing, writing instructions for the farm sitter (that be you, baby!) and so on. I'm running on three hours of sleep two night straight. Debbie just got her power back. I think the set out crew might be a bit cranky this weekend....
Laura...I bought ANOTHER crate! lol...I finally have the number of Furrari crates that I want...now I'm going to see if I can sell my non-conforming crate...
Jaenne - SUCKER!!!!! lol What is theed non conforming crate? Yes, I have a problem.
@J - I'm pretty much avoiding the packing thing too. Just prepping for packing has worn me out. That's pathetic.
Its just your standard Petmate kennel I believe...plastic, blue on the bottom, tan on the top...
Wow, another great Thursday!!! When I see the minivan coming, I'm getting off the road!!!!
Lol! Love the Crazy Mobile! and $300 bucks is a truly awesome price to pay for a car!
Yay I got to play this week! I missed last week and I was sad :( I am in awe of your Crazy Mobile!
Hey, I think we are a bunch of coffee drinking, techno dependents, dog crazy "NORMAL" folks! Nice to know I'm not all alone in the world!
Looking forward to next week already!!!
Better late than never. I think a good question for sometime would be what do dogs eat at your house. Also, what is your fantasy life with your people (or if it's the people writing, with your dogs). Thanks for keeping this going!
This is so much fun. I feel like I have met people who are like me while reading this blog. It has inspired me to get involved. I love all the posts and learning about everyone and their lives with their dogs.
In my office and in my family I am know as "the crazy dog lady". It is so good to know that I am not alone.
Sorry, I'm up there twice--my scribe pushed "enter" twice 'cause she forgot to reload the page and thought it hadn't worked the first time. Yes, that's her!
I am so glad you're all appropriately awed by the CrazyMobile. LOL! I spent 30 minutes adding transmission fluid to her this afternoon.
Hey, Pippin, I fixed the link problem.
Robin C - WELCOME! So glad you've joined us. :)
I am dangerously close to having to cough up a lanyard, hunh?
I can't believe I didn't list a ponytail holder! My hair is rarely not in a ponytail!
Here is a question: if BCs (or your chosen breed) were to die out suddenly, what breed would you have instead?
You are sooo over 20 responses by now except that people aren't coming back to your blog to do the widget thingie.
I hear its spreading, but no linky no credit!! Or at the very least a comment so I'll know they're playing. :)
I don't know how to reply to your comment on my blog... so I'll just do it here:)
The Yukon is bigger than a Trailblazer. I have a customized crate that fits two, and room for three 400's. I guess I shouldn't count Cousin Nub's(Jack Russell) kitty sized crate, strapped like a fancy high rise on the top of a 400, as a whole dog or crate:)
Thanks for putting this together! I so love reading the responses:) I even got up early today to do it before I went to work.
Soooooo close to 20!!!
yeah, close to 20 - hey I think you ought to give us ones that have been here for all 7 TMTs a lanyard - I'd even talk to you in the elevator if I could get one (a lanyard, not an elevator LOL!!!)
Doniene, LOL! I suspect that once the Friday peeps get in here today we'll hit our twenty.
Laura - I found another Furrari type crate on Craigslist..Its a size smaller than what my adult dogs need...but I do have other people's puppies at my house on occassion...like now...so it would get used...and its super cheap!...oh man, lol...
LOL! I wouldn't be able to help myself. I have actually banned myself from looking at craigslist for that reason. :)
20 is the magic number!
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