Portrait of a Noodlehead
Kay Sander painted the above portrait of Nick from the header picture on this blog. I believe she used acrylics. I am so honored and awed by her - what a beautiful job she did! This is the prize for winning overall champion in Pro-Novice at Breezy Hill late last summer - and she brought it down with her to Robin's last weekend. I'm planning to get it framed as soon as I can, and a plaque with the information will go on it, too. How neat is that?
Speaking of Breezy Hill, I just sent my entry in to run him in Ranch there (and Nursery if they get enough dogs) at the end of this month. I've opted to keep us in Ranch for a while yet - more to get my feet under ME than anything. I'm looking forward to it.
Editor's Note: The header photo has been changed since this post.
Hey - Wanna try running Fatso again there?
LOL!!! Sure. ;) Pooooooor Spotimus Maximus...
word ver. is bulpog
That is beautiful - tell Kay what a fantastic job she did!
great pic! What likeness! She did a wonderful job of catching the essence of he who is the Noodlehead! LOL
That is a lovely portrait and it will look really cool framed and on the wall. I keep saying i would like to get one done of my two someday.
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