She was an absolutely beautiful bride. I wish them the best. The silver dress is still hanging on the back of my closet door - along with the open toed shoes that cannot be seen from this angle.
The photographer is Lyndon Lloyd, of who incidently did my portrait and first wedding photos also. He and his wife own the studio, and also happened to be my Girl Scout leaders, and close family friends growing up. He's quite amazing, and they're just an all-around neat couple. Just had to say that.
You both look maaahvelous! It's great to have a sis eh?
You both look lovely. Both of the dresses are really beautiful.
Aw look! Laura's a G-U-R-L! LOL!
Robin, lol! I know, it comes as a surprise to everyone that I am, indeedy, a girl. hehehehe
Thanks guys! I told Paula earlier that I think that gig fulfilled my dress quotient for at least the next year, maybe even decade!
You both look beautiful!
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