that I don't normally get involved with memes, but I think this is pretty cool so I'm GOING for it!
I Confess...
that I've stumbled upon a group of really amazing women who blog. They have a somewhat different focus (not dog blogs) and I probably don't fit in, but in my usual socially awkward sort of way I'm choosing to overlook that.
I Confess...
in high school I bought one of my BFFs a holiday tin filled with M&M's (for Christmas). I ate the M&M's before I could give them to her.
I Confess...
I bought more M&M's and filled it back up. I ate them too. I think I finally gave it to her for her birthday. In August.
I Confess...
that I did not wash my boss's fruit this week. Pesticide power, baby! If he shows back up to work with an extra eyeball I'm going to laugh my hiney off while denying all guilt. If this post disappears you'll know why. I'm already plotting next week's small rebellion.
I Confess...
that the most used phrase in my house is "Be QUIET June", followed closely by "Knock it off, Linc", and variations thereof.
I Confess...
sometimes I'm afraid that I've lost my funny. For good.
I Confess...
I eat alone a lot. I probably have awful table manners now and don't even know it. I probably even snort and chew with my mouth open. This is probably one of the many reasons why I'm still single. Oh, but I draw the line at blowing my snoz at the dinner table. Ok, TV tray. I still have SOME couth left.
and lastly I Confess...
my 11 lb Papillon rules the world. This past week he took off with a 1/2 of a chicken wing (don't worry... it was raw and he was supposed to have it). I knew I wasn't going to get it away from him, so I didn't try. Had anyone else told me of this I'd have been all "well, then you GO GET IT!". hah. Good luck with that.
Thank you, to Mamarazzi for hosting this!

you haven't lost your funny... :)
Your dogs are ADORABLE!! I wish I had the ability to care for more than 1 or 2.... Ginger's pic is super cute.. I'm lovin' Linc and Zippy.. well, look at that face!!
I used to have a border collie mix- black and white and named TIPPY.. gotta love em!!! Glad you joined the meme... you'll meet lots of fun peeps that way!! Trust me.. and Mamarazzi is worth followin!! :)
We have a collie mutt. They are so much fun.
Small rebellions make the work week livable, right?
Awww, thank you Johanson Family - I think they're pretty adorable, though I'm rather partial. :)
VandyJ, they do indeed make the work week a little more... survivable if you will.
Thank you both for stopping by!
PS - I'm wondering if I could quite possibly ge the word "probably" into the same paragraph more times than I did today.
Love your pups. Hope you have a fabulous weekend!
Thanks, Aubrey! Hope you have a fabulous weekend yourself. Show off those new pretty flip flops (I loves me some flip flops)!
I eat alone a lot too because of my husband's work schedule. We're both pretty bad about table manners. We also eat in front of the tv. Hehehe.
Love the blog and the pups. I have a beloved pooch too so I'm already a fan!
Pesticide power--laughed out loud. Your funny is intact! Glad you joined up!
Thank you, Stacie and Date Girl. :)
I'm glad I joined up - very fun!
Thanks, P! The M&Ms story reminds me I need to call her and say hello. I don't even remember if I ever admitted all of that to her - though I doubt she'd be surprised. I used to buy Chuck #1 candy all the time... and then eat it. I tell myself that surely he found it endearing. *snort*
Hey what a fun meme!
I had to laugh at some of your confessions... especially the boss and the fruit, I hope he doesn't read your blog..;)
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