In case you were wondering, it's very difficult to take pictures of a puppy who won't go do something else. I have several pictures just like this one. Oh, and one amazingly bad shot of her running to me. wanna see it? Of course you do. 'Cuz it's a puppy, and we already know that I'm no photographer.
That being said, I love a puppy that loves me, and this puppy LOVES me.
How can I not melt when she looks at me like that? Sadly she still doesn't have a name yet. I'm leaning towards "Pia" though. I don't know why. I just like the name, and it seems to suit her.
Ginger totally digs her. Ginger dug all three of the puppies yesterday, and wished she could stay and play with puppies forever. Hey! This puppy is wearing a ginger-tailed hat!

She's met all of the dogs. Though she's a tiny bit apprehensive about them, she's doing just great. They like her. A lot. She's still trying occasionally to nurse. On Nick. He's not impressed.
Gratuitous Zippy picture:
This is our "going home" shot taken by Denise Wall yesterday. Those ears are SO going up. Sure do hope so, anyway.

Ok, ok. One last one.
do you see that she and zippy look alike in those shots?!
I think you should name her "Doo Da" to go right along with "Zippy".
She sure is a cutie whatever you name her.
Dianna Hobbs
Yay! Congrats to you! She is adorable and I love the pic of her running to you!
Haha, Robin, she does! You can't really see her black very well from those angles. From overhead she looks like the Noodle. :)
Dianna, funny you say that - Julie calls him Zippity Doo Dah all the time. :)
Im tossing up now between Pia, Piper, and Enya (Enya means little fire - but it's a little too exotic I think for my tastes).
Thanks Joan. :) So nice and charitable about that really bad quality picture. lol! But talk about some enthusiasm, yes?
oh my gosh! She is adorable! Cant wait to watch her grow up...
She's SO adorable! Awwwwww......
Pia is a great name, very cute like she is. :)
Thanks, ladies. I think she's pretty cute but then I'm pretty biased. :) I'm going to try to post regular pics with this pup (I slacked on Linc).
She is a cutie!
Dang that pup is cute!!! LOVE puppies!! Puppy Breath is the best!!
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