I am down to one and a half Diet
Mtn Dews per day as of today. That is the 16oz bottles, which are my favorite. I have not ripped
anyone's head off yet today.
My goal is to get down to one per day - maybe even none. Realistically... one sounds good. I loves me some diet dew (and drinking only one per day will save me $30/month). That's right up there with
BCF's and chocolate. I can let go of the
BCF's (the plan there is no more than once a month... the days of three a week are gone, and my behind is thanking me for it) and I'm pretty much going to nix chocolate - all but a small bit of the good stuff. Don't you worry Ben - I'm not completely dumping you, or Jerry either. We just can't spend as much time together. We needed a break anyway. We can see other people for a while, right?
Anyway, I've revamped my budget - cutting out a few things, and cutting WAY back on others. However, the place I have the biggest wiggle room is my grocery budget. My friend, Jen at
www.jeninslo.blogspot.com always amazes me with her frugal ways - and I've gotten many ideas at her suggestion. I believe she has some great frugal living links on her blog - check it out. I'm going to try the coupon thing again (with more dedication this time) and I've also been reminded of shopping at
Aldi http://www.aldi.us/index_ENU_HTML.htm - which generally will save me about 50% when compared to my usual grocery store.
I'm getting ready to plant my first ever (tiny little) garden here in a few days. Thanks be to Chuck
Coble for making me two quite lovely garden boxes to go on my patio. I hope there will be enough to freeze or can some. This is assuming something actually grows.
I went through the house at lunch today and unplugged every appliance with a clock that wasn't in use (like my alarm clock) - along with my spare cordless phone charger. What does one human need with two phone chargers in a house as small as mine? I unplugged the microwave, two
VCR's, and also turned off the clock on the stove. I'm setting the thermostat up at about 78 this summer again.
I'm cooking more, eating out (far) less, and the suggestion from my good friend Sandy has been that for Girls' Nights to covered dish to each others' houses. I'm game! I'm also open for any suggestions, so anyone who has any I'd love to hear them!