Tuesday, January 27, 2009

We Are OK.

Just thought I'd go on and say that - We are OK. Just to not panic anyone. I say that because as I type my hands are shaking, and I've now dropped more "F" bombs in one hour than I've dropped collectively my entire life. That's a lot of "F" bombs. I'll probably go straight to hell. Immediately.

Out on our walk this evening Nick and I got attacked by a bully breed dog. I don't know what it specifically was, other than it was brindled, male, gorgeous, short, muscular, pissed off, and running at us from about 4 houses down. I hesitate to mention that, so let me interject here that I mention the breed for descriptive purposes. Anyway, I only had enough time to think, "OMG, which one of us is he coming for?" and enough time to assume it was Nick and then to think "I'm going to step in here, and then he's probably going to turn on me". His owner by this time was screaming his name (a name that I've forgotten in the aftermath, but I had the random thought, "what a sissy name for such a badass dog") and running after him.

When he got to me I turned slightly in front of Nick and kicked the fucker right as he came into us. He still nailed Nick in what sounded like a body slam, but he more or less glanced off of him and rolled about ten feet into the neighbor's yard. I was screaming "GET YOUR FUCKING DOG GET YOUR FUCKING DOG GET YOUR FUCKING DOG!!!!!" this whole time. The guy was not far behind his dog, who was at the moment picking himself up out of the neighbor's yard for a second pass. By this time I'd already picked Nick up, and had swung him around to my other side (putting myself between the dog and Nick), a move I'm sure my back will thank me for later. That is once the adrenaline stops flowing, anyway.

Fortunately when the guy got there the dog rolled over onto his back before he could make another pass, and that was the end of it. The guy appeared suprised, and apologized profusely. He told me where he lived, and said if there was any damage to come get him. The dog did, at one point get up and circle around to make another pass, but the guy was on him quickly. I bid a hasty retreat after checking Nick over very carefully.

Nick hasn't a mark on him - other than the black spots on the backs of his hind legs where he hit the deck when I started screaming. I'm not hurt either. We both, however, were fairly shaken up. I've worked over the past few weeks to get Nick to relax on these walks, and he slinked (slunk? slank? whatever!) all the way back to the house. I suspect much of that was his reading MY emotions, as I was freaking out. I really hope this won't be a permanent setback to his ability to walk in the neighborhood.
However, coupled with this, the drug thug neighbor dudes who've been ogling me, and the freaky staring guy right before the dog thing, I think I'm done here.

Interestingly enough, Nick never made to fight back, never raised a hackle, nothing. I am not even 100% sure he realized yet what was going on. Oh, and I'm not sure the guy realized I kicked his dog. I'm not sure the DOG realized I'd kicked him. I didn't feel compelled to point that part out though.

You know, I've never really understood on a deep gut level the folks who come onto boards like the BC Boards and post about "my dog was attacked by another dog". I get it now. I get it in a way that I wish I'd never lived to get it. I probably won't sleep tonight, or if I do it won't be well. I realize that sounds dramatic, but there it is.

So, the sidewalk out in front of my house takes me 2-3 minutes to go from one end to the other. That's only ten passes per walk. Nick buddy, you gotta rehab FAST.
So we're physically OK. My one prayer is that emotionally HE is over it already. My other prayer is that a Subway Club is going to do it. At the moment I feel very much like a whole lot more food than that. I've got the points, but I hate to waste them on emotional eating.
That is all.


BCxFour said...

OMG Laura, I am so so sorry!!! So glad you guys are both okay. Good for you kicking that bully.

Thank goodness Nick is okay & take a nice long bath, have a good cry, do something soothing to take care of you and use the points for something you wont regret later. :-) Hang in there...

Anonymous said...

Scary! My first instinct is always to pick up my dog too. I had a dog years ago that got attacked and stupid fucking Akita that attacked him broke a bone in his leg. Glad you and Nick are ok.

Robin French said...

You were very brave. Good instincts, and good aim with the foot! Wish you could put on some big boots and do the same to the dog's owner...

Laura said...

Holy crap! I'm so glad you guys are okay and I hope this doesn't set Nick back at all. Good for you, taking care of business. Now go take care of yourself. I'd be pouring a big glass of wine right about now...

Loretta Mueller said...

I am so sorry this happened...I hear you on emotional eating...just keep yourself busy and try to relax...

Good instincts on your part...I would be kicking too!

Pippin, the Gentle Pup said...

Yikes--that sounds just awful. Ditto on the wine--I almost want a glass just reading about it

Laura Carson said...

I'm here - getting ready for bed. I think I've had enough valerian root to sleep. I managed to not drown my anxiety in either alcohol or food - I went on with my plan for dinner after all. Thanks for all of the support.

He never even slowed down. You know how sometimes normal dogs will stop (even if they've been running) and sniff and posture before doing something one way or the other? Not him - he never even checked up.

Now my family wants to know if I'm calling the police or animal control. I have no idea what I should do. It's not wise to make enemies around here, IMO.

Darci said...

Geeze Louise Woman! What trauma and drama! I think Id have kicked the dogs owner too!
Glad to hear that its only mentle scars and nothing gaping and bloody. I once was walking a pup out in the desert at a dog trial, and this BC came out of no where, and took a swipe at my pup. I picked the pup up and held it over my head and damned if the BC didnt keep jumping up as I was trying to walk away snapping at my pup, but he could only jump up to about my face height! Scary shit. The owner came walking along finally, after a few minuets, and just called the dog and yelled from across the desert, Oh, sorry.....Grrrrr. Poor Nick, poor you. Big hugs.

Dancing shepherdess said...

You have illustrated why I won't walk my dogs in my neighborhood. Dogs I have no problem with, it's the idiots who can't/won't contain them. Although it sounds like this guy took responsibility, odds are it will happen again. Why not get yourself a treadmill- they are often cheap on craigslist. You and Nick can exercise, safely, together. You can say all the F-bombs you like. I hope you wake up to a better morning.
Hugs to you.

Anonymous said...

I think I'd leave the police and AC out of it at this point. You're right that it could do more harm than good. It's a big enough neighborhood that you can avoid that particular street, and soon enough Nick will be on a different rehab routine and hopefully you won't have to worry about walking him around that area.

Laura Carson said...

J - that's exactly my thought. It never even occurred to me to call anyone, actually, until my Dad and Mom started freaking out and mentioned it. No, we're not walking down that street again. I may, however, go over and talk to the guy about what happened, though.

I took Nick out this AM, and we walked up the street but avoided THAT street. Nick acted normal for him, which was very good. My back is a hair unhappy today, but otherwise physically I'm feeling OK, and Nick appears to be also.

I'm to call Goho tomorrow - and hopefully the next phase of rehab will involve something other than wandering around leash walking. Julie you might be seeing me alot. lol

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

I have only just seen this. I am so pleased that you are both okay. That sounds like a really scary experience for both of you.

Anonymous said...

Some people just have no clue! Sorry you had to go through such a scary experience.

Sherri said...

Wow, I'm glad you're both OK. I know how scary that is. When Jack got attacked by a HUGE husky/akita type dog a couple of summers ago I was totally terrified. Even now, when I think back, my heart speeds up a bit.

Sounds like Noodleman doesn't have any emotional scars from it. Lucky him! He's such a good boy. :)

Anonymous said...

Are you going to find someone else to move to?

Laura Carson said...

Hey! Laura S!!! Nope, not that I know of. ;) The general plan, at this point, is if I can sell my house to crash with one of the parental units until I can find a suitable place to rent or buy. Ultimately I'd *like* to find a rental place for a while with enough acres to keep a small flock of sheep, but I'd just settle at this point for a place that'll help me keep the doggers happy!

Thanks everyone for the kind words and thoughts. I hope the Noodle doesn't have many permanent scars. I know my dog, though, and he won't forget it completely EVER. Neither will I. But we'll recover, move on, and be stronger for it.