I'm a bit slow off the start line today... sorry for lack of in depth dog training questions. This is the best I've got today.
1. Julie would like to know one frugal tip this week.
2. What are you reading this week?
3. Barbara wants to know: do you hit the snooze button on the alarm clock, and if so how many times?
4. If you had to travel in a sedan (or if you already drive a sedan type car) and you had five or six dogs, how would you handle it?
5. How much do you filter what you put on your own blog?
1. Julie would like to know one frugal tip this week.
When your car breaks down try to arrange it so that it happens right BEFORE you fill it up, instead of after you pump $68 worth of gas into it. If it's going to die a horrible death then you need to find someone who can siphon the gas out and put it into your new piece of junk car.
What? Not what you meant? Well. Frugal tip of the day: Stretch your coffee creamer out. I like flavored coffee creamers, and the powders are cheaper than the liquids. I buy the largest size of creamer, and then keep one small flavored one, plus one smaller empty bottle on hand. I then put about 1/4 to 1/3 of the flavored creamer into the empty bottle and then use plain creamer to fill it up. Shake it, and serve.
Though not being a coffee drinker this doesn't help Julie out any.
2. What are you reading this week?
I'm working my way through Book 2 of Laurell Hamilton's Merry Gentry series. I'm finishing off the last few books in her Anita Blake series too. She's sort of pushing my raunch threshold in some of the late Anita Blake books, but I've found them all very interesting.
3. Barbara wants to know: do you hit the snooze button on the alarm clock, and if so how many times?
Somehow here lately I seem to be waking about 30 to 45 mins prior to my alarm sounding. Assuming I make it to the alarm going off...in the days prior to Nick I would hit it for about an hour. Now Nick and I have reached an agreement that I get one snooze, maybe two.
4. If you had to travel in a sedan (or if you already drive a sedan type car) and you had five or six dogs, how would you handle it?
Sadly this is my situation as I think the CrazyMobile may have just taken her last gasp. She'll be on her way to my brother's tonight for some diagnostics, but he thinks she may have cracked her block, or blown a head gasket. If it's a head gasket we can fix it... but if the block is cracked she's doomed.
It looks like my back up car is to be a sedan, and I'm farm-sitting next weekend. I have six dogs and the last time I hauled dogs in a sedan it was two dogs in a Mitsubishi Galant.
I hope she's fixable but I have a feeling she's just done. I'm mad at her, too, though it's not her fault. In some ways she deserves to be done as she already had 168K miles on her when I got her, and now she has 246K.
5. How much do you filter what you put on your own blog?
I'll admit to having a slightly... uh... faulty filter sometimes about certain things. I typically filter pretty well when it comes to saying things when I'm trying to be diplomatic or trying to NOT be hurtful. But when it comes to filtering stuff about myself... clearly that filter is broken. I do try to be pretty transparent when it comes to blogging about my dogs, and in all honesty I'm uncomfortable with the videos of Pia the other day. My trigger finger itches to pull them down.
I sorta wish my filter had caught those before I'd posted them because I don't like the way she tried to quit a few times (didn't like it at the time and don't like it any any more now) and I wish I hadn't shown the world that.
I don't filter at all when it comes to telling stories, but I tend to also have a running dialogue in my head and a lot of that gets missed when I write.
I done posted answers for you! ;-) Apparently so did Kelly, but she neglected to say so....
YAY! You know, I really thought these were lame-arsed questions but I like them now. :)
I did, I did. My brain is fried. New computer system which requires me to hand sort through 1300 patients insurance status for now....
Re {ia quitting, I know a boy who, when about that age may have done that too. She's just trying to figure it all out :)
Good questions! Looking forward to see what everyone is reading and what they do to be frugal!
I sure hope that whether she is fixable or not, things work out for the best with your vehicle. I went without my Jeep for a time (before we had the van) and it SUCKED only having a two-seater to get around in. Some interesting questions this time.
Okay - questions that you thought weren't that good - well stretched my little brain cells - nearly to the max!!! Of course had to run the rabbit on a couple of things!!
Have a great weekend!
Loved the questions this week! I think most bloggers have a 'faulty filter' in one way or another, which is why we blog!
A day late again here...
Fun questions this week!
Sorry about your car. That is quite sucky :(
Yikes! Sorry about the car. But if you have to deal with the sedan, taking the seats out is really easy (and easy to put back).
Got my entry in:) I liked the questions too.
Thanks for the motivation to blog more!
Thanks for all of the kind thoughts about the car. As an update: the head gaskets are so totally blown. We don't know yet if the heads or block are cracked, but he's going to start digging in over the next few days.
In the meantime I have a Toyota Camry. I'm pretty sure I can get all of the dogs in there. It won't be ideal, and like I said it'll be like "The Crazies Go to The Circus" but hopefully it'll be a temporary situation.
We're actually hoping to fix the van AND buy the Camry so I can use the van as dog car only and be able to get better gas mileage going to and from work. So any and all good thoughts/vibes/prayers would be appreciated.
Oh, no, not the CrazyMobile!!! Hope it all works out and you can get it fixed!
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