I Confess...
I baked a pan of brownies this week. I ate them all. By myself.
I Confess...
The brownies not only had chocolate chunks in the mix but I added milk chocolate pieces too.
Hey, if you're going to blow it out, blow it out with style.
I Confess...
That I can't confess how long I went without a shower while on staycation. What can I say? The dogs love stinky things. Boy do they love me.
I Confess...
I didn't leave the house for almost five days.
I Confess...
I took seven videos with my cell phone yesterday of the puppy playing with the big dogs.
That's not counting the two from last week of puppy zoomies.
I Confess...
I almost posted them to Facebook but managed to grab a thread of control at the last minute.
I Confess...
I've watched two and a half seasons of "Lost" this week. By the time Staycation is over I'll have probably finished the series.
I Confess...
hooooo boy. Yum.
photo from buddytv.com
Did I mention, YUM?
I Confess...
I'm already dreading going back to work next week. I haven't really ever been able to fully let the dread go this week. But I've come close. Maybe it won't be so bad. My boss will be *crosses fingers* out of town next week. That should make easing back in a little better.
How about you? This is hosted by Mamarazzi. Click on the link at the top to join in!
I can agree with yum!
Staycations can be fun. Sounds like you have been enjoying yours.
I know its gross, but I feel so relaxed when I'm not having to rush to get ready every day-- I spent a good 2 days in my jammies with kid snot and food stuck to me-- but I was cool with that! :) enjoy your last few days before heading back to work-- and while you're at it-- make another batch of brownies!
I have, indeed, had a nice time.
I snorted my coffee onto the monitor at the "kid snot and food stuck to me" comment. haha!
New follower from Mamarazzi! I totally understand the not showering thing! But I didn't confess to that this week lonetater.blogspot.com
Your puppies are so stinking cute. I have a soft spot for black and white dogs. My dog would love to run around and play with yours.
Those brownies sound delicious. I waited until Lost was over to watch them all, and I think it's the only way to do it. Otherwise the wait would have been torture. I definitely agree with you on the yum factor. Hottie!
Brownies with chunks of chocolate are the best!
And I love watching seasons of shows on DVD, no commercials and no waiting a week between episodes.
Your doggies are so sweet!
Thank you all very much. I'm now on season Six of Lost. Yesterday was fruitful.
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