I thought it might be fun to start up a little link party. So I've been learning a little about buttons and codes, and link widgets. If this goes over I'd like to also start a "Working Wednesday" post - but lets start with one and see how it goes.
Here are the rules:
1. Copy the code under the button at the top of this post.
2. Comment. We all love comments!
3. Go to your blog and make your post. Include the code from my button in your post (you can paste the code that you copied in the "Edit HTML" area). Come back here, add yourself to the links list directing us back to your post (the Mr. Linky widget at the bottom of this post). Voila!
Today's Tell Me Thursday Question:
If you were a sheep what breed would you be, and why? If you don't know much about sheep feel free to choose another animal.
If I were a sheep I'd be a Karakul. They're very interesting sheep - very different, and kind of funny.

photo from www.ansi.okstate.edu
Noodleman working some of Julie P's karakul lambs (and my old hair sheep crosses) back when he was just learning to drive:

They have wild wool, are tall and run funny, have fat tails, and are just a little bit strange in general. They don't really work like other sheep, and they don't really act like other sheep. Did I mention they have fat tails? I have fat tail. They have fat tail. We are alike. See? Fat tails (see if you can pick out the karakul lambs).

I'd also be a Karakul because they have cute curly headed babies. If I was going to have babies I'd want them to be cute and curly headed. I SO wish I could be a cheviot because they're cute, small, and have great ears. Darn.
So, I want to know about you - what would you be? If you haven't posted in a while this will be a good way to start getting back in the groove.
I'm confused and might need to be walked through the entire process.... Seriously.
No problemo. :) I probably could have explained better. So there's a little button up top with the Noodle and Ginger - there's code underneath it. Copy the code. Go to your blog - start a new post. Go into "edit html" and paste the code. Then you can go back into Compose mode.
Make your post. Publish. Copy the link to your post, and come back here.
Down at the bottom in Mr. Linky's Magical Widgets put your name, and then link to your post. Done!
I meant to say there's a button in my post...
Okay, Laura, I did it! not sure if I did it right, though!!! Check it out and see if I did. This sure could be fun!!
Hi, Doniene! So glad you linked up. :) You did it just right.
Oh no! The PRESSURE!!!
LOL! Just heaping on abuse, I know. Is veddy good for you.
Did it! Yay!
And I'd do it again. You might just inspire me to start blogging again. ;-)
You go girl! You make me proud. :)
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