Today I would like to know two things.
#1. What is your most embarrassing trial moment to date?
#2. What do you prefer to whistle with and why?
#1. What is your most embarrassing trial moment to date?
My first embarrassing trial moment would have to be my very first trial with none other than miss Junia Petunia. This was back when Dr. Ben was still running Novice-Novice at his trials. I was SO nervous. I was afraid June would be yahoo! and it would all go very badly. Turns out I wasn't far from right.

She did a lovely outrun and lift, and then proceeded to let the sheep sort of bullet their way to the exhaust. She sort of halfassedly made an attempt to look like she was attempting to cover (get that?) and then moseyed over as only June can mosey to scoop them off of the exhaust.
However, before she could get there one of her ewes (June wasn't even in the same zip code) elected to go jump into the fence. That ewe (it was a dark colored one) managed to get all four feet hung in the fence and was hanging upside down in mid air. Obviously I excused myself to go extract our sheep from the fence. June, on the other hand, was busy bringing the others quite nicely. We never ever did manage to get the sheep to my feet at her big whopping two trials.
At any rate, Open handlers always tell novices that they don't remember these novice wrecks. However, at my first lesson with Robin, she looked at me and said, "Oh yeah, I remember you." I could have died on the spot.
(I'm not sure which part is more horrifying - how scared June looks or how huge my rear end looks in that picture. Just posting this picture might actually be my most embarrassing trial moment.)
#2. What do you prefer to whistle with and why?
I prefer an aluminum A1 whistle. I've tried bunches of different ones - brass mini blasters, stainless steel half moons, stainless steel montana lites, and most of them blow clean out of my mouth. I can use a montana lite when I need to, but I so totally LOVE this A1.

You can get this at http://www.sheepdogshop.co.uk/acatalog/Whistles.html. Love.
I REALLY want to finger whistle, but so far I'm failing miserably at learning. I can get out exactly one note, and it's not very pretty.
So, like last week:
Tere's a little button up top with the Noodle and Ginger with code underneath it. Copy the code. Go to your blog - start a new post. Go into "edit html" and paste the code. Then you can go back into Compose mode.
Make your post. Publish. Copy the link to your post, and come back here.
Down at the bottom in Mr. Linky's Magical Widgets put your name, and then link to your post. Done!
Ha ha, i was reading the beginning of your post and thinking "i remember that!". :-) I don't remember any upside down sheep but i do remember one jumping out and then June very nicely working the others, quite proud of herself!
We've all been there....
LOL! Fortunately for me the upside down sheep was way back up in that corner, and I couldn't see she was hanging until I was halfway up there. I'm guessing you all couldn't see her either. She managed to free herself though, by the time I got to her.
Thanks for doing this Laura. It's fun. Gives me other things to think about!! I think I'm going to try one a whistle like yours.
YAY! Thanks for playing Doniene. :) Your post was great.
I remember that too...I recall my run in Novice-Novice not being too much better with Keegan! That seems like a million years ago now!
It does, doesn't it Rachel??
Thanks to everyone who played this week. If anyone has questions to add in coming weeks email me at lkwillie13@aol.com. :)
I did it! I did it! Yes, I realize I'm way behind the times, but at least I wasn't a total loser by, like, not playing at all! ;-)
WooHOO! Thanks for playing. :) I'll take late to the party over not at all any day.
I did it, also late...
You all have so totally made my day. Fun stuff!
Katy, thanks for playing. :)
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