My apologies to my Facebook peeps who've already seen these, but I wanted to post a couple of my favorite pictures of Pia from yesterday. She's just turned nine weeks old. She's SO sweet, still feisty, and I adore her. She's being such a good puppy - and took her first overnight trip to Robin's like a champ. The big dogs like her, though surprisingly the one who likes to play with her is Zippy. Go figure. The Old Guy is on a roll these days.
Hey! It's another fuzzy running shot! I can't help it though - she's so enthusiastic.
This one is my favorite. I love the way the light worked out. I was fooling around with the camera's manual settings (I have a 4 year old Kodak easyshare Z710... not nearly as exciting as the equipment most blogging folks have) and managed to get this. I started to edit it but preferred the raw image:
They set the fireworks off right up the street from my house last night. Pia laid on the couch next to me fully and happily sacked out propped up against my leg. There's something about her that makes me silly, but then she's my first female border collie puppy (I don't count the BC Mix, Bree, that my ex-husband took with him).
She swam at Robin's this weekend. She was down at the pond messing around, and next thing I knew she was out there just tooling around. Too bad we didn't have a camera ready. When she got out she looked like a chihuahua with her body wet and those ears up like they are right now. She then proceeded to barrel roll her way down the hill to dry off. She makes me laugh all the time.
And no, she's not sleeping on the bed. Yet.
Until next time...
PS - next time may be soon since I'm on staycation this week
PS2 - I just realized it's not Monday. Oh well.
Pia is so cute.....and Zippy has a playmate more his size, perhaps??? Soon the two of them will be swimming away together, if you get that chin lift for Zippy! :)
I think that's part of it, Jean. I should really get a picture of Zippy and Pia together. He's bigger than she is.
Hi Laura,
Thanks for the follow!! You might want to change because I started another blog where I'm talking just about my border collies.
Love the pup!!! Bess is my 2 1/2 month old pup. She's in my header picture on Look forward to sharing our dog stories.
Hi, Doniene! Bess is adorable! So glad you stopped by.
Pia is so cute! She sounds like a lot of fun too! I only have one female also. One is all I can handle. Meg rules everyone else and lives up to the title "bitch" very well. But I will say she is the easiest to live with of all my dogs.
These pics are NOT helping rid me of my desire for another dog! Very cute!!
OMG. I love her. She is completely adorable!! I want another puppy. =(
@Stacie and Impulsive Addict: the name "the Great Enabler" would fit me pretty well sometimes. :)
Joan, I'm hoping she doesn't make waves with Ginger. What I've seen so far has been good. June gets along with every dog, so I'm not worried about that part.
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