Last week I noticed one evening that Zippy seemed hesitant to sit down. He seemed uncomfortable somehow, though it wasn't clear exactly how. He didn't seem to want to lie down in his bed for some reason (or anywhere else).
I took him out at bedtime, and saw that he was doing that weird run/sit thing again. The good thing is that now that I've seen this before I automatically knew what his issue was.
Zippy had a stiffy that wouldn't go down.
So a cold shower before bed (he was not impressed) and finally the wood receded so that he could lie down in his bed for the night. He yarked in my ear as he was not impressed with the whole cold bath thing, but I learned last time that the cold bath seems to help.
Yes. This is what my life has become.
I think I'm going to go into business for myself. I'm going to call my new company "The Spiffy Zippy Stiffy Company" and my tag line will read "For when only a cold shower will do..." or maybe "For when your dog's light switch is stuck in the 'on' position..."
I can't help but laugh at you.....
Ok, but on a serious note, do they know why this is occuring?
Have you tried an ice cube or some lube? Maybe a little easier than a cold shower? I've also heard of squirting a little topical antibiotic ointment in the prepuce once you get it back, helps heal the exposed tissue and keep it moist. You could do it daily for awhile if needed.
Not really. I have a recheck for his teeth with Dr. Goho tomorrow (it was today but I forgot to bring the dog! Oops!) and I'm going to mention it then. I think he's a dirty old man. Zippy, I mean.
No, not really. I can't even begin to imagine. He was neutered really late in life as far as I know. I think he went into rescue at 7, and he has a floppy scrotum (and according to the specialist who did his heart ultrasound a giant penis). I've wondered if it's not a little like the horses that are cut way late? But do they get stiffies?
Emily, thank you! I will hit him up with some neosporin. I'm sure he'll love that. lol!
The last time this happened they... uh... unsheathed him and everything, and nothing in there they could find.
I bet seriously the ointment would help. Oversize "parts" are somewhat common in toy dogs. :) I wonder whether he is trying to clean himself and, er, having to mess around too long? This happens to Cord sometimes because of his mutant mouth and tongue shape. Not getting stuck O_o but stimulating himself accidentally. He was also neutered late.
I had a O_o moment when I read "I forgot the dog" but then I realized you meant he needed to come with, to work. LOL! Not like, you drove to the appointment without Zippy. I totally pulled into the driveway Thursday without Maggie (she was out in the yard, just not in the car) so for a second I thought there was hope for me.
Been there, done that. I have a dog who can't be left unattended with the couch pillows. ::sigh::
Bathe the appendage with Karo syrup which will pull fluid from it, thus shrinking it. Then a nice warm water rinse will get the syrup off. It's about a 5 minute process. Trim back the hair from the end so it can't get stuck inside which is part of the stricture process.
"Spiffy Zippy Stiffy Company"!!! Oh Laura you make me laugh!
But now I feel a bit better about my wee little foster who seems to have an abnormally large winky for such a little dog. Fortunately, so far the only time it seems to get stuck in the 'outtie' position is when he is having a poop (which seems to take him forever), and it recedes within a few minutes of finally finishing.
What an awkward problem to have. Aren't you glad a dog people community totally understands? Can you imagine the reaction you would get if you were talking about this at a restaurant or something?
Good point on the trimming of the hair. Who wants to volunteer to come hold him while I do it? hahahaha, just kidding.
Come to think of it, Jean, Nick's pecker comes out when he poos. Goes right back in though.
K-Koira, even more embarrassing is that my red dog's nickname is "The Turd". Without thinking I used to say to my husband when we were out, "Well, I guess we need to go home and let The Turd out". This often was when we were out to eat. I never even thought about it.
I've given him a little trim and some triple antibiotic ointment this evening. He actually didn't complain at all - much to my surprise. He even had a little chub going. Clearly there's still some life in the old guy yet.
Oh glad you were able to get him to comply with the trim and ointment! You crack me up though!
It *is* kinda funny. The messing with it though seemed to sort of give him troubles. He wasn't completely out but he was sporting a partial wood for the rest of the evening. Enough so as to make him uncomfortable. *sigh* I'm not sure what it says about me that I've become this acquainted with the states of a dog's penis.
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