It's time for a Friday Confessional hosted by Mamarazzi! I haven't done one of these in a while. It is time.
I Confess...
I did something really freaky and posted a post with a weird title and the Friday Confessional button and nothing else. I had a technofreak moment.
I Confess...
As I was walking through the door to the Thai place today to pick up my boss's lunch the wind kicked up. The wind actually blew my shirt up... enough so that I'm pretty sure I flashed everyone in the restaurant.
I Confess...
That I was equal parts horrified and tickled over the whole thing. I figure anyone looking deserved to see whatever it was they saw. Or not.
I Confess...
That I wish many bloggers would get more involved and engage with others via comments and such. That being said, I've been really thrilled to see a real sense of community developing with some of the dog-bloggers that have been linking to my Tell Me Thursday hop.
I Confess...
That on days when I host TMT I often wonder if people actually read my post. When people only comment to say "I did it!" I'm left to wonder if they're hearing me? I also know that a lot of people join in but don't link up and don't link back - and I wonder if they even know that someone has gone to the trouble of hosting it? In the big grande scheme of things it is a small thing, but I've heard other hosts mention this and now I understand.
I Confess...
That I feel guilty even saying anything about that. The people pleaser in me prefers to avoid confrontation, and doesn't ever want to make anyone else feel bad (nor do I want to run people off or discourage them from posting) but on the other hand I feel a spark of frustration that maybe will go away if I confess.
I Confess...
That this week I've been getting Zippy to put out his... er... you know... so that I could put some ABX ointment on it. It seems to be helping his situation, though it still isn't sitting exactly where it should. The oral ABX are helping too. I'm pretty sure that I might have missed my calling as a dog stimulation expert. I gotz skillz.
I Confess...
I've had preggers dreams again this week (and I'm not preggers - it would be immaculate conception if I were, lol). Weird. At least it wasn't those dreams where I'm putting my kids in dog crates and leaving for work.
That's probably enough for today. Happy Friday everyone!
Oh wait. Two more:
I Confess...
I've eaten three quart sized bags of pineapple this week. A friend at work, Sara, had a bunch of pineapple left over from a baby shower. It is some kind of good. Though I don't think three quarts is exactly going to make me the poster child for moderation.
and finally...
I got to work one day this week and realized that I had only buttoned my shirt down to the third button. Today I got here and realized I'd forgotten to zip my pants. I haz problems.
I read them and respond with more questions LOL. But I suspect you already knew that :)
Yes, you sure do girlfriend! I like that - a lot. Us nosey girlz gotta stick together. I figure this is a vehicle for dialogue, ya know?
LOL, I don't see myself as nosey, I see myself as investigative :)
I read your TMT posts along with many others, but I've never actually participated.... Not sure why.
I read everything you post cause u b crazy and crack me up. ;-)
One of these days i'll do some more TMTs but i'm on blogging vacation right now...
Of course I read every thing - How else would I get my weekly laugh!!! Just kidding - I read everyone that links up - I've learned a lot and do enjoy the community of dog bloggers across the country.
Okay, you've skillz with Zippy. Do my skillz of scraping dried mild poop off baby goats' hineys count for any type of recognition!! LOL
Have a great weekend.!
So funny! Needed it today!
@Kelly, yeah, investigative. *snort*
@Karissa - I hope you'll join us soon!
@Robin, I don't blame you. Nothing wrong with a blogging moratorium for a while. You've been crazy busy lately and deserve some rest.
Doniene, that totally counts as mad skillz!! And I know you read - and you share lots of comment love. ;)
Ferreh, so glad I could give a chuckle today. Lets all hope I can make it to work fully dressed next week. I don't think that's asking too much.
I bet it was the best Friday for those Thai restaurant costumers. LOL.
Brianne, I'm not sure if it was the best or the worst. LOL! It could easily have gone either way.
You're cracking me up! You does haz problems flashing people and forgetting to zip! Just kidding! So glad to hear someone else doing things like that.
So...I'm noticing a pattern with the flashing thing, here.... ;)
Yeah, I need some sort of "getting dressed" check off list. You know, cuz I is mature like that.
Oh I have wardrobe malfunctions often. LOL You are not alone sista'.
Your dream was funny.
Have a great weekend.
I confess, I haven't been responding or participating lately. Too much stuff to do and not enough time to do it in. But I always read your blogs as I do love to laugh.
oh oh...I'm digging confession Friday! I'm thinking of a post right now for this. Here is what I confess to you, Ms. Courgar Dancing Flasher Laura......I'm glad we are cyber friends; I read you and hear you every post; this time around I need time to sort out my answer to your tmt (think I am an over-thinker or what?) Some of what I have to say is probably best left off the internet...where it will stay as a non-refundable brand for eternity. And I'm afraid what I post after that filter is not authentic. It has nothing to do with your topic but more to do with me and my journey. That said....I really do love reading you. You really brighten my day. Come to 2012 finals...I bet we could have some fun!
i read it all. i know EXACTLY what you mean though, people link and say,"i played" or they don't say anything at all and i wonder why i bother writing my posts.
then there are people who leave lovely comments for me and i feel better!
thanks for confessing. i missed ya! sorry i am slow. I had a busy HAPPY weekend with my family, life is sweet, gotta live it!
Thanks, everyone, for the comments and for reading.
@Lora - us overthinkers have to stick together. :)
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