This week we're going with a theme week sort of deal. Most of these questions were posed by Kelly over at Timber View Farm (though I took some small editorial license, and added a question). I'll admit that these questions are making me dig - and I'll probably have to come back and add some later.
As always, please remember to come back here and add your name and a link sending us back to your specific post so that we can find it easily!
1. How do you search for and then choose a trainer?
2. The dog world is small and... uh... talkative. After choosing a trainer how do you handle those people in your life who don't believe in that trainer/trainers methods and criticize them to you?
3. Do you believe that a person's personal life should influence your choice of a trainer? (i.e do you believe a person's choice to be a party animal outside of work would affect your choice?)
4. When you have a break through moment with your dog, do you feel that moment makes your connection stronger with that dog and makes the next step in training easier?
5. Do you stick with just one trainer, or do you go to multiple sources for help?
For answering these questions I'm going to assume my world is better than it is at the moment and that I'm able to get my dogs out and train on them.
1. How do you search for and then choose a trainer?
I've always gone on word of mouth. I've always gone to check out trainers that friends have recommended. That being said, I make decisions based on several things, and one of those things is communication. I need to be able to understand what they're telling me. One of the things that I've always really liked about my main trainer squeeze is her ability to find different ways of communicating with me when I'm not "getting it". She also understands that sometimes I don't "get it" right away, but usually after I go work on it some it comes to me. I like that she tells me what she's doing, and shows ME how to do it too.
I also look for someone who can put their money where their mouth is. I think it's important that a trainer be successful (and I don't mean in the novice classes - I mean in the highest classes of whatever you're doing). They need to know what it is that they don't know, because as a novice person YOU don't really know.
I also have to like this person and feel like they treat me and my dog fairly. I have been in training situations that were Not. Good. At this point in my life I do these things because I like them, and I don't have the time or patience for me or my dog to be abused. I'll walk if that happens. Luckily for me in the dog world I've chosen well so far.
2. The dog world is small and... uh... talkative. After choosing a trainer how do you handle those people in your life who don't believe in that trainer/trainers methods and criticize them to you?
I smile, and nod, and then go on about whatever I was going to do anyway. I'm not big on confrontation. If they want to slam the methods I'm OK with that. But if they start slamming my trainer personally we're going to start having problems.
3. Do you believe that a person's personal life should influence your choice of a trainer? (i.e do you believe a person's choice to be a party animal outside of work would affect your choice?)
I guess for me it would depend on just how far I feel they're going morally compared to my comfort zone. I think sometimes it DOES, whether we want to admit it or not. I also think there's a real sliding scale on this. If I wasn't already friends with this person I might choose to steer clear if there were other comparable options. I'd say that what they do in their "other" life might lend some weight to my decision, but it would depend on what it is.
For example: if this trainer had a habit of bashing people behind their backs, and they weren't the only game in town I'd steer clear. I might would even choose to go to someone less skilled simply because I couldn't trust that person. But lets say this trainer was nice to me and nice to other people but liked to party sometimes... I'd overlook the partying thing.
Mostly I tend to weigh more heavily on the side of "What is their relationship with me and my dogs?"
4. When you have a break through moment with your dog, do you feel that moment makes your connection stronger with that dog and makes the next step in training easier?
It usually does. I find that a lot of times these breakthrough moments are followed by some sponge moments where the dog starts to just suck up everything you throw at it. I love lightbulb moments!
5. Do you stick with just one trainer, or do you go to multiple sources for help?
I like to have different takes on my dogs and what the trainers are seeing, so I try to go to more than just one person. I usually have a main trainer, and then might go to a clinician when I can, and then other times pump my friends. They love that.
I went and answered my questions since they were featured :)
Added puppy pics as well!
Laura - I have to ask, you were a horse person at one time so you will understand, but I think its a bit different in dogs at this point.
Would you go to a trainer that is great at the basics and puts a strong foundation on your dog/horse but didnt' make it to the big league. I know several good (horse) trainers who because of money/injuries/etc...that didn't make it to the top but that is the only reason why. They are great at starting horses/riders and putting the strong foundation the top professionals want to have when they get a student they just don't want to take the time to get them there....
Great questions this week!
I made it this week too! LOL Lotsa thinking this time, that was cool. Love reading the other answers as well.
Tough questions! Have a great week!
Yes in horses. Maybe in dogs. The problem with that in dogs is that it's SO hard to know the difference, and then usually once you know you're already far enough along that you don't need that person anymore anyway. I know of some people in dogs that are like that - and so I guess by word out mouth that would work.
It also depends on what you want out of your dogs, too!
So I'd say, yes, conditionally.
I'm a day late, but I did get around to playing along this week!
These are great questions! :D I'm always a day late.
Leanne, you have good reason (uh... different continent hello!). :) Glad you guys all played this week.
Great questions! Thanks!
Barbara, who can't figure out how to get OpenID to work ;-(
lol, Barbara! I can't ever seem to get it to work either. I don't know what it is that I do wrong, but my account never recognizes me. I'm probably holding my mouth wrong or something.
I forgot TMT yesterday--well forgot till Kelly mentioned it this evening, but I've weighed in with my usual brilliant commentary, lol!
My first trainer was a person like you describe. She was a great first trainer for me, and her training, along with a really good dog, got me to open. I honestly don't know that a total newbie can get the most out of going to the biggest of the big hats until they have some basic skills already on board, but of course some of that depends on who the big time trainer is, what their teaching style is like, and whether they can actually connect well enough with the newbie for the newbie to gain the most out of the relationship. I really put a big premium on a personal relationship with the trainer (in a training sense, that is, the feeling that the trainer cares about me and my progress and isn't just putting in the time until I hand over the money, if you know what I mean.
It's exactly who Julie mentions that I was thinking of. I would have gone to this person - but wouldn't have known were it not for Julie. So I guess this is where the word of mouth would come in!
J, can't wait to see your usual brilliance. :)
I waited a few days to do this one, because I have such strong feelings about these questions, but yay! I was able to control myself.
Also, I read your answers every week :)
Thanks for hosting!
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